Monday, May 24, 2010

Art and Statistical genomics

Art and Statistical genomics
I came upon this site by following my former graduate student Josh Mell's blog "No DNA control". Here is a link to the lab page for Chiara Sabatti, a Professor of Human Genetics and statistics at UCLA.  She integrates an appreciation of art and literature beautifully with an eye to the presentation of statistical data. It reminds me that you never stop thinking about science. One person's world is viewed through a prism that reflects the passion of his or her own work.What do these images remind you of?
 (see my comments below)

1. Unknown
2. Miro Souvenir de Montroig
3. Paul Klee-In the Current Six Thresholds, 1929 Oil and tempera on canvas, 17 1/8 x 17 1/8 inches
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

1 comment:

  1. #1 reminds me of a metaphase chromosome
    #2 reminds me of microarray data
    #3 reminds me of a mRNA being translated by the ribosome.
